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Barney Morin is a bilingual comedian from the small town of Otterburne, Manitoba. Barney has been busy in the Winnipeg comedy scene. In the summer of 2022, he will be performing a one-man show called, "A Very Serious Night with Barney Morin." Recently Barney has been busy writing. He wrote a play about the life of Louis Riel, a tour about Rat River Métis and maple syrup and a live-action historical tour. If he's not on stage, he's hugging a tree or running from bears. 

Barney Morin est un comédien bilingue de Otterburne, Manitoba. Il est auteur de 4  pièces récentes et couramment il travaille sur un one-man show “A Very serious night with Barney Morin” pour le Festival Fringe de Winnipeg. Barney garde un pied dans les scènes de comédies anglaises et françaises Il a participé sept fois dans les vitrines de Rire Zone.  Barney est aussi un des finalistes pour le Chuckles Comedy Contest.



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June 2019 - Caen, France

Sept. 2016 - March 2017
Sept. 2017 - March 2018

Sept. 2018 - March 2019


This is a description in your CV. Concisely describe the degree, job, award or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan quickly.

June 2012 - May 2014


This is a description in your CV. Concisely describe the degree, job, award or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan quickly.

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